From carrying Mail to the Whitepages of Kazakhstan

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Abul Khair Khan
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1646 Paris Young King Louis XIV tunrs 7 years old.
Nicolas V de Villeroy becomes his teacher.
He lives in a magical building the Hotel de Villeroy, also called Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon.

Louis XIV as a child Louis XIV as a child
The young King loves to come to the house,
mainly because he is a friend of the Villeroy children François and Catherine.

1661 Louis XIV, now 23 years old starts the construcion of the Versailles Palace.
Of course he does not want to be seperated from his childhood friends Francçois and Catherine
and he invites them to stay at the future Palace.

1671 Paris The Villeroys decide to sell their historic mansion.
The buyers are two entrepreneurs from Tours, France
Leon Pajot I (1625 est - 1668) and Louis Rouillé (1630 - 1694)
son of two families in the buisness of transporting letters.

Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon VB becomes the Hotel de la Poste.
The company becomes the Royal French Postal Services
for his Majesty King Louis XIV

1718 Kypchak Plain (a region that covers most of todays contemporary Kazakhstan)
Abul Khair Khan (1693 - 1748) becomes the new Khan of the Kazakhs.

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